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Disinfection and infection control

with Hygiene Cabinet Ozon

A variety of different businesses rely on simple and effective disinfection of textiles and equipment without having to dismantle it. Our solution is the hygiene cabinet Ozon a40Medi, used by, among others, the police, healthcare, emergency services, care sector, preschools, and sports environments.

When disinfection is easy, you do it more often!


The Hygiene Cabinet

Much equipment can be difficult to disinfect because it cannot withstand disinfectants, high temperatures, or washing machines. In our hygiene cabinet, you can disinfect clothes, shoes, protective vests, respiratory protection, and helmets.

You can also handle electronics such as computers, communication equipment, and measuring instruments. The hygiene cabinet is manufactured in Finland and bears the CE mark.

Advantages of the Hygiene Cabinet Ozon a40Medi:

  • Can be used for cleaning clothes, equipment, and tools. Ozone provides odor neutralization and disinfection as it kills microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, spores, and mold.
  • Ozone's cleansing properties are utilized in several areas today. It is used, among other things, to reduce the amount of fat in kitchen ventilation ducts, to reduce odors from grease traps, to deodorize vehicles, environmental rooms, hotel rooms, and residences. Ozone is also used to disinfect air or water in various technical processes.
  • Hygiene Cabinet a40Medi has customized programs and higher disinfection effectiveness and can therefore be used for various types of equipment.
  • Hygiene Cabinet a40Medi is very easy to use. Place the items to be treated in the cabinet so that air can circulate between them. Select a program on the panel and press start. The LED lights indicate the progress of the program and when it is finished. The door locks automatically during treatment.
  • Hygiene Cabinet a40Medi can be used in all common dry and warm premises. It is quiet and is often placed in halls, laundry rooms, or garages. The cleaning process takes place in a closed system, and the cabinet does not need to be connected to any ventilation system. Ozone is formed from the oxygen in the cabinet and is neutralized back to oxygen before the cabinet can be opened again.
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Police, Fire, and Defense

Every day, the police are exposed to situations where pathogens, bodily fluids, and harmful chemicals can threaten their health. Much of the equipment police officers use is hot and sweaty, such as protective vests and helmets. This equipment is also difficult to machine wash. It's not pleasant to work and interact with people in gear that smells and doesn't feel clean. By treating the equipment with ozone, embedded odors are removed, pathogens are destroyed, and most harmful chemical compounds are neutralized.

Hygiene Cabinet Ozon a40Medi can be used to disinfect clothes, shoes, protective vests, respiratory protection, and helmets. It can also be used to treat electronics, such as computers, radios, and measuring equipment. After treatment, you can use them immediately.

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Search and Rescue Services

Emergency service personnel's clothing and equipment often have traces of soot, smoke, and fuel that are difficult to remove. The smell of soot and fuel remains even after clothes and equipment are washed. PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) pose an additional exposure source in emergency services and are a health risk for all personnel. Ozone has a neutralizing effect on PAH, which are highly carcinogenic and a significant problem, especially for emergency services personnel exposed to them during work operations.

Hygiene Cabinet Ozon a40Medi neutralizes odor, PAH, bacteria, viruses, spores, and mold without wearing out equipment and clothes. Experience shows that Hygiene Cabinet Ozon a40Medi can save hundreds of thousands of kroner per year because it allows the reuse of contaminated but otherwise useful equipment that would otherwise be discarded. After treatment, you can use them immediately.

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In healthcare, it's sometimes challenging to maintain a high level of hygiene for both patients and staff. Equipment can often be difficult to disinfect as it may not withstand high temperatures, disinfectants, or traditional washing. Hygiene Cabinet Ozon a40Medi can be used to disinfect all types of work clothing, shoes, and equipment, such as vacuum mattresses, slings, blankets, and bags.

Items that many people use but are difficult to clean. The programs are effective and, in addition to bacteria and viruses, also disinfect spore-forming microbes and mold. Sensitive programs can also be used to treat electronic equipment, such as phones, computers, keyboards, and defibrillators. After treatment, you can use them immediately.

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Preventing the spread of various infections is an important part of the staff's work in childcare settings. Children are unpredictable and play with many different toys and objects throughout the day, which also contributes to easy spread of infections. Therefore, regular and effective cleaning is essential. Stomach bugs, flu, and colds spread quickly in childcare settings.

It's difficult to clean toys, books, craft equipment, dress-up clothes, duvets, and pillows because they may not withstand high temperatures, disinfectants, or sometimes even washing in water. However, with the Hygiene Cabinet Ozon a40Medi, you can easily refresh and disinfect them both in an emergency situation and as part of a regular cleaning routine. After treatment, you can use them immediately.