Civil and military preparedness
Civil preparedness and civil defense cover crisis preparedness and the protection of the civilian population in municipalities and regions in the event of crises or war. At Ferno, we are dedicated to delivering both simple and advanced rescue and prehospital products that enable society to handle complex situations and provide care of the highest standard.
Military preparedness requires particularly advanced prehospital equipment tailored to the needs of the military. Ferno's range is carefully selected with consideration for weight, flexibility, and applications, and is based on experiences from war zones. We offer equipment that meets the high demands and standards of military preparedness.

TacRac for Military Litters

Compact Litter Stand

Compact Treatment Station

Transfer Mattress for Military stretchers - 12 Handles

Portable blood cooler 7.4L

Portable blood cooler 2.1L

Portable blood cooler 24L

Portable blood cooler 45L

Euroheater - Mobile air heater for field use

STANAG 2040 Duo Fold NATO Stretcher