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Special Transport and Stretcher Accessories

Ferno Surface Extender Split-Kit Scoop® EXL

The Ferno Surface Extender Split-Kit Scoop® EXL allows a Scoop® EXL to be attached to a Ferno PowerX, iNX or Mondial ambulance stretcher. The Ferno Surface Extender Split-Kit Scoop® EXL provides a wider patient surface for transporting the slightly larger patients. With a few simple steps, you can transform your ambulance stretcher to be able to handle Heavy duty / Bariatric patients.

Quick to assemble, which makes a standard stretcher more flexible with increased capacity.

Perfect match with our Ferno Transfer Heavy Duty mattress (GE24271050000)


• Improved patient comfort, ethics and safety during transport

• Reduces the need for dedicated bariatric / Heavy duty ambulances / ambulance stretchers

• The Ferno Surface Extender Split-Kit Scoop® EXL takes up little space in the vehicle

• Cross-compatible with many of Ferno's stretchers (POWERX, iNX & Mondial)

• Perfect match with our Ferno Transfer Heavy Duty mattress (GE24271050000)

Product information

  • Art. Nr FGB009008250