Small Bags and Accessory Bags
Small bags and accessory bags as emergency units are practical in many different situations and fit well in vehicles, homes, or cabins. These are frequently used by volunteer organizations such as the Norwegian People's Aid, the Scouts, and the Red Cross as they are easy to carry into the woods and wilderness or on trips. Although they are small, they contain a lot of essential emergency medical equipment needed for first aid and acute situations. Small emergency units are also good to have in the office or business for minor and major injuries in everyday life. Several small bags and accessory bags are specially designed to be used as hip bags for trauma. We also provide pre-packed small bags and accessory bags.

Medical bag, accessories, Intubation, Ultra Mini, Blue

Intubation kit, blue

Emergency bag, accessories, infusion

Emergency bag, accessories, trauma module, Red

Intubation Pouch, Thomas EMS

IV Bag, Clear, Thomas EMS

Medical Bag Molle Accessory, Red

Small First Aid Bag with Belt Holder

Emergency bag First Aid M8 red