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Control Systems and Sirens

Sirene Beta 24V, 100W, Martin hi/lo yelp

Flexible and powerful electronic siren amplifier for all types of emergency vehicles. The electronics are built to handle tough conditions and the amplifier is very reliable. The sound that is approved in Sweden, so-called. Hi-LO is very powerful. The amplifier is prepared for switching on a 10 sec Yelp signal which is activated, for example, from the steering wheel of the vehicle. It also provides the opportunity for a strong horn signal, so-called. Airhorn.

Can be used with one or two 100W speakers.

Equipped with microphone output (optional) when PA function is desired and input for external light ex radio.

Supplied with cable set for connection which is extended for suitable placement and plate screw for secure mounting.


A slim and compact speaker. A mix of design and rugged nylon makes this speaker sturdy. A 100 watt sirenspeaker is easily installed and deliveres warning in the traffic where it is necessary - downwards and in front of the vehicle.

Product information

  • Art. Nr LS1291
  • Brand Whelen
  • Weight 1,13 kg
  • Height 60 mm
  • Length 135 mm
  • Width 175 mm
  • Voltage 24V