Extrication Products
Extrication products are a collective term for products used for the rescue of individuals in tight spaces/vehicles where it's also necessary to limit movement of the neck and spine.
KED® Extrication green complete.
Ferno® KED® is a solid choice for motion restriction of patients who are to be transported out of...
KED® PRO Extrication orange complete.
Ferno® KED® is a very good alternative when it comes to restricting the movement of patients who ...
KED® PRO Lifting Bridle
The Ferno Ked Lifting Harness is designed to be used for vertical rescue of patients with the KED...
Ferno® XT Extrication dev complete
The Ferno XT is an innovative half-size backboard specifically designed for rapid extrication and...
Ferno®XT PRO extrication complete
FERNO® XT fast extrication is a newer product developed to be able to quickly and safely remove p...